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What We do

With this program, you and your Personal Trainer will have complete access to your fitness profile, allowing your Personal Trainer to create or adjust your fitness program and nutritional plan, conduct fitness assessments, and set future goals online.
FitnessPTO works well for someone who is self-motivated to achieve their fitness goals, but simply lacks the time or feels uncomfortable at the gym. It is perfect for people who tend to put off exercising and who benefit from having someone by their side ensuring that they are maintaining proper technique and working to their maximum capacity. It is ideal for people who are motivated by having someone to encourage and cheer them on.

Is for me?

I want to get in shape but I don’t know how.

I have workout equipment at home, but never use it.

I work with a Personal Trainer. Is FitnessPTO going to help?

Free signup

Why Join Fitness PTO?

FitTest Professionally designed workouts and programs
FitTest Professionally designed diets
Approach Proven approach to wellness and fitness
video Step by step videos and instructions
video Meet or call for support from our experienced trainers
video Create your goals and track your progress
video Perform periodic evaluations